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Foreign Weapons
Familiarization Course 2021

Foreign Weapons Familiarization Course
September 25-26, 2021
Fryeburg, Maine and Center Conway, New Hampshire

The Special Forces Foreign Weapons Familiarization Course was hosted by Chapter 54 September 25-26, 2021 in Fryeburg, Maine and Center Conway, New Hampshire. This two-day course was offered by Vinny Pestilli and Associates, Inc. and 11 Bravo Training Company of Brownfield, Maine. Saturday was an informational session in a classroom environment at the Fryeburg fire station and Sunday was live firing at the Burke Gravel Quarry in Center Conway, New Hampshire.

Chapter 54 Foreign Weapons Course Sep 2021

Photo: Attendees at the September 2021 Firearms Course

Course Summary. Chapter 54 member Vin Pestilli conducted a foreign weapons course for 55 participants. Attendees included chapter members, area police officers, and several members of the U.S. and international military forces. The three-day event provided instruction, hands-on handling, and firing of 46 foreign weapons systems. These included belt-fed machine guns, sub-machine guns, sniper weapons, and numerous long guns, shotguns, and pistols. The Pestilli & Associates course recieved support from Benelli Firearms, Heckler & Koch, the Fryeburg, Maine Fire Department, and Burke Bros. Gravel in New Hampshire.

Cost: The cost per person was $225.00. The fee included ammunition, use of weapons, instruction, food, and other expenses. Also included in the fee was breakfast and lunch (Saturday and Sunday) and a cook out on Saturday night.


Saturday, September 25:

Fryeburg Fire Department Classroom
520 Main Street
Fryeburg, Maine 04037

0800 - 0900 Registration and coffee and doughnuts
0900 - 1200 Class
1200 - 1300 Lunch. Pizza, sub sandwiches, chips, and water
1300 - 1600 Class
1600 - Shotgun raffle, 50/50 raffle, and auction item drawings
1630 - Cookout at Pestilli's Guest House and Beach

Sunday, September 26:

Burke Gravel Quarry
170 Industrial Drive
Center Conway, New Hampshire

0800 - 0900 Coffee and doughnuts, safety brief
0900 - 1130 Range firing
1130 - 1230 Lunch. Pizza, sub sandwiches, chips, and water
1230 - 1600 Range firing

Eye and ear protection, hat, insect spray, cameras, jacket, and folding chair were suggested for accessories. There were many guns to examine and fondle. Some attendees arrived on Friday night.

Shotgun Raffle: There was a drawing for a shotgun at the conclusion of the Saturday classes in the Fryeburg Fire Station. The shotgun was be donated by Vinny Pestilli and Associates. Read more about the Benelli Supernova Tactical Pump Action Shotgun.

Funds Raised. The funds above the cost of conducting the training went towards the Chapter 54 Scholarship Fund, the general fund, and other charities.

Cookout on Saturday Evening. The menu for the Saturday evening cookout included Yogi & Boo Boo Bear Stew, Russian Boar Stew, Wilderness Chili Stew, hamburgers, hotdogs, grilled chicken, pasta, salad, homemade baked beans, and dessert. Drinks include Budweiser, Bud Light, Diet & Regular Coke, and water.


Attendees stayed in one of the many hotels in the area (North Conway, NH). There was also a camping area for tents available near the picnic area in Brownfield, the site of the Saturday evening cookout.

Driving Times.

From North Conway hotels to Fryeburg Fire Station - 15 mins.
From Fryeburg Fire Station to Saturday Evening Cookout - 15 mins.
From Saturday Evening Cookout to North Conway hotels - 25 mins.
From North Conway Hotels to Quarry firing range - 10 mins.

Air Travel.

Boston Logan Airport (BOS) - 2 3/4 hrs to Fryeburg and North Conway
Manchester - Boston Regional Airport (MHT) - 2 hrs to Fryeburg and North Conway
Portland International Jetport (PWM) - 1 hr 15 mins to Fryeburg and 1 hr 30 mins to North Conway

Past Chapter 54 SF Foreign Weapons Familiarizations:

2019 Weapons Firing Course

2018 Weapons Firing Course

2017 Weapons Firing Course and SOF News article on the SF Foreign Weapons Course held in 2017.



LTC William F. Buckley
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