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Christmas Party 2023December 16, 2023, Saturday, 12:00 - 4:00 The Chapter had a good turnout for the 2023 Christmas Party. Over 50 Chapter Members and guests were in attendance. The venue was the Wayside Inn - which is one of the oldest inns in the country. The manager of the Inn provided a 15 minute long history of the inn dating back to the revolutionary days. The Christmas party program is below. The H & K Pistol raffle winner was Chapter member Rick Parziale. Total ticket sales for the pistol this year was nearly double last year and an all-time record of $5,910. Fran O'leary was presented with a bottle of Horse Soldier (Silver) Bourbon in recognition of all the proceeds he has brought to the Chapter through ticket sales. Vinnie and Lin were recognized for their efforts this past year and prior years at the Christmas Party. Vinnie was presented with a SFA sports coat, Regimental tie, and Regimental Coat of Arms to wear on his sports coat. Lin was presented with a huge red Poinsettia plant. Mike Fuenfer collected new, cotton socks from Chapter members at the Christmas Party to bring to the Bedford VA Veterans Home. This is done by Mike every year. Laurie Whitlock and Kevin Casey were recognized to their long service to the Chapter and many years in Special Forces with "Member of the Year" awards.
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