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Chapter News2023Scholarship Program. The policy for the Scholarship Program is currently under review. Fred Rice is the Chairman of the Scholarship Committee and Al Kornacki and Bob Delponte are committee members. Natalie Shaw RIP. The wife of Chapter member Frank Shaw passed away on Thursday, November 16, 2023. Funeral services will take place on Tuesday, November 21, 2023 in Littleton, Massachusetts. Obituary. Dick Nazarro - RIP. Chapter member Dick Nazarro passed away on Wednesday, November 1, 2023. Funeral services are scheduled for Tuesday, November 7, 2023, in Middleton, Massachusetts. IMO of Richard "Dick" Nazzaro. Fred Rice Gets a Mention by the Special Warfare Museum. View a picture of a very young Fred during his first years in the Army. Future Events. The date for the Christmas party has been set. Visit the events page for more information. Foreign Weapons Familiarization Course. The final weapons course and shoot was held in mid-September. After all expenses were paid the Chapter made $4,921.56 net - now in the Chapter treasury. There were 48 guest shooters as well a large support and instructor staff to run the event. Many thanks to Vin Pestilli and his crew for conducting the past nine FWFC events! Annual Shotgun Raffle. This years prize is the Benelli / Stoeger 12 guage semi-auto, Predator / Turkey. Raffle tickets were mailed to all Chapter members. Ticket price was $25 for (6) six tickets or $35 for (12) tickets. The raffle produced $7,735 in revenue for the Chapter. This was the most successful raffle the Chapter has ever had. The great raffle results allowed the Scholarship Committee to recommend two scholarship awards and the Chapter E-Board authorized $6,000 in scholarships this year. For more info click on 2023 Shotgun Raffle. RIP Bob Delia. Retired
CSM Robert Delia, an Associate Member of Chapter 54, passed
away on January 11, 2023. Services will be held on Sunday, March
26, 2023, in Pepperell, MA.
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